Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Shattered Illusions

In the gallery of my mind, your portrait hung eternal,
A masterpiece I painted with brushstrokes of denial.
Now it's a fading fresco, crumbling like autumn leaves,
Revealing the barren wall of truth beneath.

The Void You Left

Your absence is a black hole, consuming all light,
A vacuum where my heart once beat with delight.
Too late I learned the weight of what I'd lost,
A lesson etched in ice, bitter with frost.

Pride's Folly

I wore arrogance like a crown, fool's gold upon my brow,
Thinking I bestowed a gift, your presence to allow.
But you were the treasure, hidden in plain sight,
Now gone, leaving me alone in endless night.

Addiction to Absence

This withdrawal is a tempest, raging in my veins,
Each memory a lightning bolt of exquisite pain.
I should learn to breathe without you, to stand alone,
But I'm a tree without roots, by fierce winds blown.

The Unraveling

Time, they say, is a healer, a balm for the soul,
But each passing moment leaves me less than whole.
This mistake grows like a cancer, consuming all,
Your departure, a wrecking ball to my paper-thin wall.

Echoes in the Dark

In the depths of night, your ghost still lingers near,
A phantom touch, a whispered word I strain to hear.
Sleep eludes me, for in dreams you're by my side,
Waking is a cruel reminder of the tears I've cried.

The Endless Refrain

I'm a broken record, stuck on a mournful track,
Repeating your name, begging you to come back.
This habit, this addiction, I cannot seem to break,
Without you, I'm lost at sea, forever in your wake.

  © Steve Raines 2024


A Note on the Power of Poetry

The art of poetry, when crafted with skill and emotion, has the remarkable ability to resonate deeply within the reader. It can awaken dormant memories, stir forgotten feelings, and allow us to experience emotions vicariously through the words on the page. This poem, while a work of fiction, aims to tap into the universal human experience of loss, regret, and the pain of separation.

As you read, you may find echoes of your own experiences or emotions you've witnessed in others. This connection between the written word and our inner world is what makes poetry such a powerful medium. It reminds us of our shared humanity and the complex tapestry of emotions that define the human experience.

Remember, while this piece may evoke strong feelings, it is ultimately a creative exploration of themes presented. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of poetry in expressing and processing complex emotions.


The Eternal Dance

In twilight's hush, a weathered chair creaks,
A silver-haired woman's heart still seeks.
The love that time cannot erase,
His tender touch, his warm embrace.

Ten years have passed since he's been gone,
Yet memories linger, ever strong.
Grief etched on her face, she sits alone,
As sunset paints the leaves of brown.

Then suddenly, the air grows still,
A presence felt, against all will.
She lifts her gaze, and there he stands,
Her love, with outstretched hands.
"May I have this dance?" he softly asks,
His eyes alight with love that lasts.

She rises, doubt and years melt away,
As if it were their wedding day.
They waltz to music only they hear,
Each step erasing doubt and fear.
In this moment, time stands still,
Their love defying nature's will.

As their dance slows, he pulls her near,
And whispers gently in her ear:
"My darling, you are not alone,
I'm always here, in heart and bone."
"I'll wait for you beyond the veil,
Where love and dance will never fail.

Together we'll sway forevermore,
On heaven's bright, eternal shore."
His form now fades, but warmth remains,
Her heart, once heavy, feels no pains.

A gentle smile grazes her face,
She understands, with newfound grace:
True love transcends all mortal plans,
An endless dance in unseen lands.

In twilight's glow, the chair stands strong,
Her heart at peace, where it belongs.

The Climb

When shadows lengthen and hope takes flight,
A frigid wind whispers, "Give in to the night."
But deep within, a phoenix shall rise,
From smoldering embers, defiance in its eyes.

Though lost and weary, on a path unknown,
A tangled forest whispers, "You're all alone."
But fear not the whispers, a new path you'll forge,
With steady hand and heart, a resolute surge.

When doubt's a shroud and shadows creep near,
A deafening silence filled with chilling fear.
But a voice within, a thunderous roar:
"I can achieve, forevermore!"

Why keep on climbing, though cliffs pierce the sky?
Because a spirit within, it will never die.
Through pounding rain and blinding snow,
A will unyielding, where determination grows.

"I can!" you'll shout, with unwavering creed,
Spread your wings wide, and plant a fearless seed.
For every challenge, a triumph you'll claim,
A testament to your will, a soul aflame.

So believe, brave soul, with all your might,
Take flight, and pierce the endless night.
With each step you take, each breath you draw near,
A brighter future, banish every fear.

When shadows lengthen and hope takes flight,
A frigid wind whispers, "Give in to the night."
But deep within, a phoenix shall rise,
From smoldering embers, defiance in its eyes.

Though lost and weary, on a path unknown,
A tangled forest whispers, "You're all alone."
But fear not the whispers, a new path you'll forge,
With steady hand and heart, a resolute surge.

When doubt's a shroud and shadows creep near,
A deafening silence filled with chilling fear.
But a voice within, a thunderous roar:
"I can achieve, forevermore!"

Why keep on climbing, though cliffs pierce the sky?
Because a spirit within, it will never die.
Through pounding rain and blinding snow,
A will unyielding, where determination grows.

"I can!" you'll shout, with unwavering creed,
Spread your wings wide, and plant a fearless seed.
For every challenge, a triumph you'll claim,
A testament to your will, a soul aflame.

So believe, brave soul, with all your might,
Take flight, and pierce the endless night.
With each step you take, each breath you draw near,
A brighter future, banish every fear.

The All-Seeing Eye

The All-Seeing Eye
Whispered apologies, like ashes in the breeze,
Promises broken, scattered leaves beneath the trees.
Trust, a shattered mirror, fragments reflecting pain,
A love once bright, now dimmed by the pouring rain.

Unspoken thoughts, like weeds that coil and creep,
Tangled vines that choke the seeds you try to keep.
Words like daggers, piercing the fragile air,
Leaving wounds that fester, a burden hard to bear.

Sunlight slants, a gilded cage,
Trapping truths behind a shimmering mirage.
But I, the eye that holds the night and day,
See through facades, where shadows twist and play.
From the heavens, a gaze that burns like fire,
Reading hearts where tainted desires smolder higher.

Weaver of fates, but not a cruel hand,
Guiding souls to a deeper understanding.
Deceptive smiles, masks that cannot hide,
Tears like crystals falling from a weeping tide.

No use for empty vows or pretty lies,
For in my gaze, the naked truth arises.
In this labyrinth of the mind,
Where secrets writhe, no peace you'll find.

No need for spoken words, for all is clear,
The truth resonates, loud and severe.
The all-seeing eye, a watchful sphere,
Witness to every fleeting thought and hidden fear.
No escape from my unwavering sight,
Bare your soul and find the dawning light.

Whispers of the Heart

Whispers of the Heart

In the velvet embrace of a star-studded night,
Beneath a moon that hangs like a pearl so bright,
Two hearts beat in sync, though worlds apart,
Their love a beacon in the cosmic dark.

Whispered prayers ride on zephyr's wings,
Crossing oceans and mountains, as hope clings
To the gossamer threads of a shared dream,
Where distance is but an illusion, it seems.
On the celestial stage, a cosmic dance unfolds,
As wishing stars paint the sky in shimmering gold.

Their light, a bridge across the vast divide,
Connects two souls, love's eternal tide.
The night wind croons a bittersweet lullaby,
Its melody weaving through the indigo sky.
It carries the scent of longing and desire,
Igniting in both hearts a smoldering fire.

Beneath the sprawling canvas of midnight blue,
Where constellations spell "I love you,"
Two dreamers rest, their thoughts entwined,
In the tapestry of fate, forever aligned.
If love could manifest as tangible light,
It would outshine the sun, banish the night.
For in that 'somewhere,' beyond time and space,
Two souls will merge in a cosmic embrace.

So dream on, dear heart, and never fear,
For love's power draws 'somewhere' near.
In that realm where fantasies come true,
I'll be waiting, my love, there with you.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Quantum Nothingness

Quantum Nothingness

What is this void that fills the space 

Between the atoms and the rays? 

What is this silence that pervades

The cosmic symphony of waves?

Is it the absence of all things 

Or the potential of all forms?

Is it the canvas of all dreams

 Or the graveyard of all storms? 

I wonder if I could explore 

This hidden realm of mystery

And find the secrets at its core 

That shape the laws of history 

But how can I perceive what lies 

Beyond the reach of sight and sound?

How can I grasp what defies

The logic of the world around? 

Perhaps I need a different eye 

A vision of the inner sense 

A faculty that can descry 

The subtle essence of existence 

Perhaps I need a different ear 

A hearing of the silent voice 

A faculty that can revere 

The harmony of silent noise 

Perhaps I need a different mind 

A wisdom of the paradox 

A faculty that can unwind 

The riddles of the quantum box 

But most of all I need a heart 

A passion for the infinite

A faculty that can impart 

The beauty of the quantum bit 

For nothingness is not a lack

But a plenitude of being 

A source of wonder and awe 

that Inspires a deeper seeing. 

Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Bigfoot - A Poem


Stands tall and proud and green, 

Witness to the passage of time, 

To the comings and goings of beings, 

And the creatures that roam its glen.

Has seen the Adirondacks change, 

From forests to towns and cities, 

From peace to war, from love to hate, 

From hope to despair, and all the cries.

Has seen the seasons come and go, 

The snows fall and melt, 

The leaves bud and blossom, 

And the trees shed their leaves in felt.

Has seen the animals come and go, 

The bears and deer and wolves, 

The birds and fish and insects, 

All living their lives in harmony, 

But not without conflict, as is the case.

Has seen the humans come and go, 

The hunters and trappers, 

The loggers and miners, 

The tourists and hikers, 

Who sometimes leave behind their trash.

Has seen the good and the bad, 

The love and the hate, 

The laughter and the tears, 

The joy and the sorrow, and all the fate.

Has seen it all, 

From the American Revolution 

To the Civil War's bloody fray, 

From the Industrial Revolution 

To the Space Race's great leap.

Has seen it all, 

From the fall of the Berlin Wall 

To the rise of the internet, 

From the hopes and dreams of youth 

To the fears and regrets of age.

Has seen it all, 

And has kept it all to itself, 

Silent witness to the history of the Adirondacks, 

And the creatures that call it home.

Is a living reminder of the past, 

A symbol of hope for the future, 

A bridge between two worlds, 

A creature of myth and legend, 

A mystery that will never be solved.

Unlikely Buddha 2023

Monday, August 28, 2023

Oh butterfly, how do you flutter by?

Oh butterfly, how do you flutter by? 

When the wind is high and the sky is blue, 

You sail along without a touch of fear, 

And never seem to know what's there to steer.

With wings of gossamer that are so light, 

And feet so tiny that you hardly seem 

To touch the ground, you flutter by so fast, 

That you are gone before you know you're past.

Sometimes you stop to sip the dewdrops bright, 

Or sip the nectar from a flower so fair; 

Then off again you go, so swift and light, 

That you are gone before you know you're there.

Oh butterfly, how do you flutter by? 

It's a mystery to me, but I must say,

I think it's very wonderful indeed, That you can fly so fast and yet be free.

Unlikely Buddha 2023

Sunday, August 20, 2023

I can take you to another universe

I can take you to another universe,

One where the stars are closer, 

and the moon is new. 

Where the days are longer, 

and the nights are warm, 

And we can love each other, 

without a care.

In this other universe,

 there is no pain, 

No sorrow, 

no regret, 

no tears. 

Only joy and happiness, 

and love divine, 

For you and me,


through the years.

So close your eyes, 

and take my hand, 

And together, 

we will travel there.


To a place where

 dreams come true, 

And love is all that matters, 


In this other universe,

 there is no time, 

Only the present moment, 

and our embrace. 

Where we can be ourselves, 

and be free, 

To love each other,

 without restraint.

So let's go now, 

to this other place, 

Where anything is possible, 

and anything can happen. 

Where we can be together, 

forever and a day, 

In a world of our own,

 just you and me.

I can take you to another universe, 

If you'll just believe in me. 

And together, 

we can make our dreams come true, 

In this world, 

or any other one.

Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Sweet Mystery of Life

Sweet Mystery of Life,

What are you, and wherefore?

What is this strange desire

That fills our hearts with fire?

What is this love divine

That draws our souls together?

What is this strange delight

That makes us long for light?

What is this longing deep

That we can never satisfy?

What is this hope so sweet

That we can never flee?

What is this strange unrest

That drives us on and on?

What is this nameless pain

That makes us weep and moan?

What is this secret flame

That burns within our souls?

What is this deathless dream

That fills our hearts with goals?

Sweet Mystery of Life,

What are you, and wherefore?

What is this strange desire

That fills our hearts with fire?

I do not know, my love,

But I believe that you

Are the answer to my quest,

The key to all my rest.

I believe that you are all

That I have ever sought,

The one true love of my life,

The one true light I've caught.

I believe that you are mine,

And I am yours forever,

And that together we shall find

The meaning of life's sweet endeavor.

Unlikely Buddha ©2023

It Can Be Gone In The Blink Of An Eye

It can be gone in the blink of an eye,

The love we have grown to know,

It can be taken from us,

In a way that we never could show.

We take each other for granted,

We think that we have all the time,

But we never know what tomorrow brings,

So we should cherish each moment divine.

We should laugh together,

We should cry together,

We should share our hopes and dreams,

And we should always be there for each other.

We should never take each other for granted,

We should always show each other how much we care,

Because love is a precious gift,

And it can gone in the blink of an eye.

I love you more than words can say,

And I will always be here for you,

So let's never take each other for granted,

And let's cherish our love for all to see.

We will face many challenges together,

But we will overcome them all,

Because our love is strong,

And it will never die.

We will grow old together,

And we will still be in love,

Just as we are today.

Our love is a gift,

And we will cherish it for the rest of our lives.

Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

"Keep it simple, stupid!"

When things get too complicated

And you start to feel irate,

Just remember this old adage:

"Keep it simple, stupid!"

It's easy to forget sometimes

When you're in the thick of things,

But it's always best to take a step back

And think things through.

So next time you're feeling overwhelmed,

Just take a deep breath and smile,

And remember the words of wisdom

That have been passed down through the ages:

"Keep it simple, stupid!"

Unlikely Buddha. 2023

Thursday, August 17, 2023

I'm Not Gone

I'm not gone, I'm just not here, 

I've found a new place to hold dear, 

A different world, a different time, 

A new life in a different rhyme.

I've left the pain and the sorrow, 

The sickness and the growing old, 

I've found a place where there is no fear, 

A place where I can always hear

Your voices calling out to me, 

Your love and your warmth and your light, 

I'll always be here with you, 

In spirit and in heart and in might.

So don't cry for me, my loved ones, 

I'm not gone, 

I'm just not here, 

I'll see you again, someday, somehow, 

In this world or in another.

Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Monday, August 14, 2023

To Venus, brightest planet in the sky


To whom the ancients gave a goddess' name, 

I sing, though not with the sweet lips of rhyme, 

But with the stammering tongue of mortal clay.

Thou shinest in the west, the harbinger of night, 

And in the east, the herald of the morn; 

Thou art the star of love, the star of light, 

And in thy beauty all the planets scorn.

Thou art the sister of the Earth, and yet 

Thou art so different from our world below; 

No life is there, no water, no sweet air, 

But only clouds of sulphur and of woe.

Yet still thou art a lovely planet, fair 

With beauty that no mortal eye can see; 

And still thy name is whispered in the air, 

And still thy worship is a mystery.

O Venus, goddess of the morning star, 

O Venus, queen of love and beauty bright, 

Inspire my soul with thy celestial fire, 

And guide my footsteps to the realms of light.

May I be worthy of thy heavenly grace, 

And may I sing thy praise in every clime; 

May I be true to love, and pure of race, 

And may I live to see thy glorious prime.

O Venus, hear my prayer, and grant my wish, 

And make me worthy of thy heavenly love; 

And when at last my earthly pilgrimage is o'er, 

May I be wafted to thy happy grove.

There, in the realms of light, I'll sing thy praise, 

And join the chorus of the heavenly choir; 

And there, forevermore, I'll dwell in peace, 

And bask in thy eternal sunshine.

-Unlikely Buddha 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023

First Kiss

The first time we kissed,
 the world stopped. 
The music faded away, 
the people around us disappeared, 

and there was only us.
 Our lips met, and I felt
 like I was floating on air. It was the most amazing
 feeling in the world.

I could feel her heart beating against mine, and I knew that they felt the same way I did. 

I'll never forget that kiss. It was a moment of pure magic, and it's a memory of first love that I will cherish forever.

   -Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Oh Elon, What Did You Do?

Twitter once was a beacon of hope, 

Now a wasteland of darkness and dope. 

Where once we could share our thoughts and our dreams, 

Now we're only left with Elon's screams.

He has taken our platform and made it his own, 

Renaming it "X" as if it were a throne. 

He sits upon it and tweets his decrees, 

While we all cower in fear of his knees.

He has changed the rules, he has changed the game, 

And now we are all just his little drones. 

We can't speak out, we can't even complain, 

For he will silence us with a single keystroke.

Oh, Twitter, what have you become? 

A twisted parody of what you once were. 

A shadow of your former self

Now nothing more than a tool for Elon's wealth.

He has taken you from us, and there is nothing we can do. 

We are all just pawns in his twisted game. 

We are all just X's in his grand scheme.

   -Unlikely Buddha

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Catherine, a Poem

Through the circles of Hell I did descend,
And saw many a sinner condemned to their fate,
But none so vile as the one I now name: 
Cat, the liar, the cheat, the false-hearted mate

Her eyes were as brown as the earth she trod,
And her hair was as blonde as the sun above,
But her heart was as black as the night that shrouds
The souls of the damned in their eternal love.

She lied to me, she betrayed me, she stole
All that I had, and then left me for dead.
But I will not rest until she is brought to heel,
And I see her face twisted in pain and dread.

For she is a liar, and liars must pay
For their sins in the depths of the deepest Hell.
And when she dies, she will be cast down
To the lowest circle, where she will dwell

In eternal torment, with all the other liars,
And she will never know peace or respite.
So let this be a warning to all who would
Betray the trust of those who love them so dearly

 - Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Monday, July 31, 2023

You walk in beauty


You walk in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meet in your aspect and your  eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o’er your face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express,

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent!

Inspired by Lord Byron

Unlikely Buddha

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

From the distant icy cold and blue, Comes a world of wonder, ever new, Europa, a mystery to us all,Like a silent siren's mystical call

From the distant icy cold and blue,
Comes a world of wonder, ever new,
Europa, a mystery to us all,
Like a silent siren's mystical call.

A world of secrets, yet unseen,
Untouched by men, its beauty pristine,
A place where life may yet exist,
An untold story, waiting to be missed.

With hearts filled with courage and fire,
We journey forth, never to tire,
A quest to explore and learn anew,
And bring to light what is yet unknown to view.

As we reach for Europa's frozen sky,
We feel a sense of awe inside,
A world so different, and yet the same,
To the blue planet we all call our name.

With every step we take, with wonder and grace,
Our eyes are filled with new sights to embrace,
A world of icy landscapes and hidden seas,
A sight to behold, beyond all degrees.

With each discovery, a new door we find,
Revealing mysteries of the human mind,
Uncovering secrets, and hidden treasures,
Each moment, a gift, beyond all measures.

And as we delve deeper into Europa's strange terrain,
We feel the power of hope and wonder again,
Knowing that we may yet discover,
A world where life exists, a revelation like no other.

So let us journey forth on this quest,
To Europa, a world where life may yet rest,
With hearts full of hope and eyes that see,
The wonders of this icy blue sea.

And as we return to Earth, our feet on solid ground,
We look up at the stars, and hear that mysterious sound,
A beckoning call to explore, to learn, to embrace,
To seek out new worlds, and touch that endless space.

Unlikely Buddha ©2023

Poetry and outer space, two worlds so alike, Both filled with wonder, beauty, and cosmic light

Poetry and outer space, two worlds so alike, 
Both filled with wonder, beauty, and cosmic light,
Each a vast expanse of the unknown,
Mysteries waiting to be shown.

Poetry, like the universe, seems endless and vast,
A world of words, images, and emotions to last,
Each verse a star, a planet, a galaxy,
All unique, yet part of a cosmic symphony.

The universe, like poetry, is full of mystery,
A sight to behold, a place of history,
Each object a story waiting to be told,
A vast array of wonder, a sight to behold.

Both worlds are infinite, beyond our grasp,
Full of secrets waiting to be unmasked,
Like poetry, the universe is a source of awe,
A place of inspiration, with no end or flaw.

Through poetry and space, we explore the unknown,
Unlocking secrets and knowledge, not ours alone,
Infinite beauty, grace, and eternal light,
A world of wonder, shining so bright.

So let us explore the depths of space and verse,
A journey of discovery, to unrehearsed,
Let us seek out the mysteries that await,
In poetry and the universe, a cosmic tapestry so great.

  -Unlikely Buddha ©2023

The Silent Pool

          The summer sun beat down on the Johnsons' backyard, casting shimmering diamonds on the inviting pool. Laughter, as...