From the distant icy cold and blue, Comes a world of wonder, ever new, Europa, a mystery to us all,Like a silent siren's mystical call

From the distant icy cold and blue, Comes a world of wonder, ever new, Europa, a mystery to us all, Like a silent siren's mystical call. A world of secrets, yet unseen, Untouched by men, its beauty pristine, A place where life may yet exist, An untold story, waiting to be missed. With hearts filled with courage and fire, We journey forth, never to tire, A quest to explore and learn anew, And bring to light what is yet unknown to view. As we reach for Europa's frozen sky, We feel a sense of awe inside, A world so different, and yet the same, To the blue planet we all call our name. With every step we take, with wonder and grace, Our eyes are filled with new sights to embrace, A world of icy landscapes and hidden seas, A sight to behold, beyond all degrees. With each discovery, a new door we find, Revealing mysteries of the human mind, Uncovering secrets, and hidden treasures, Each moment, a gift, beyond all measures. And as we delve deeper into Europa's strange terrain, We f...