Turkey is attempting to block NATO membership to Sweden however Turkey's motives smack of hypocrisy

Erdogan : - Restricts freedom of speech and the press: numerous arrests of journalists and media outlets and has blocked access to social media platforms. - Eroded judicial independence by packing the Turkish judiciary with his supporters, and is using the courts to silence critics. - Has been using the Turkish government to crack down on dissent, including peaceful protests. - Expanded his presidential powers by expanding his own powers and consolidating his control over the Turkish government. - His foreign policy has been increasingly authoritarian and interventionist: has supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, intervened in the Syrian civil war, and clashed with the European Union over migration. So why is NATO allowing him to call the shots in who can become a member? NATO's requirements for Nations to join: 1. New members must uphold democracy, which includes tolerating diversity. 2. New members must be in the midst of making progress toward a market econom...