We've all been there. You log onto Twitter, eager to share accurate information about COVID or vaccines, only to find yourself sucked into a vortex of misinformation, ad hominem attacks, and endless debates with seemingly immovable anti-vaxxers. It's enough to make even the most ardent science communicator want to throw their phone into the Grand Canyon. This isn't just my frustration talking. As a scientist, I've spent years meticulously crafting research, battling peer review, and agonizing over every word in a publication. Twitter, with its lightning-fast exchanges and character-limited bursts, feels like the antithesis of everything I know about scientific rigor. Yet, there it is, a powerful platform pulsating with information, albeit a lot of it wildly inaccurate. My colleague (bless her tireless heart) dives headfirst into this fray, wielding charts and graphs like Excalibur against the misinformation dragon. I admire her bravery, but I can't help but cringe...