Enormous Cosmic Energy Burst Struck Earth So Hard It Scrambled Radios

Gammaray burst GRB 221009A A massive gamma-ray burst spotted by scientists last year is possibly the most powerful ever detected in the Earth's atmosphere. The gamma-ray burst, named GRB 221009A, is thought to have caused huge variations in the electrical field of the Earth's ionosphere at a height of around 310 miles above the ground, according to a new study in the journal Nature Communications. Gamma-ray bursts, the most powerful bursts of energy in the universe, are spat out from the most violent explosions known to physics, such as a neutron star collision. These immensely powerful pulses of light usually come in two opposite beams, like the rays of a lighthouse. "GRB 221009A, being the highest energetic GRB ever recorded by mankind, deeply impacted also the top-side ionosphere for the first time," Mirko Piersanti, a space weather researcher at Italy's University of L'Aquila, told Newsweek. He went on: "Its photon flux peak of about 6 million pe...