Oh Elon, What Did You Do?

Twitter once was a beacon of hope, Now a wasteland of darkness and dope. Where once we could share our thoughts and our dreams, Now we're only left with Elon's screams. He has taken our platform and made it his own, Renaming it "X" as if it were a throne. He sits upon it and tweets his decrees, While we all cower in fear of his knees. He has changed the rules, he has changed the game, And now we are all just his little drones. We can't speak out, we can't even complain, For he will silence us with a single keystroke. Oh, Twitter, what have you become? A twisted parody of what you once were. A shadow of your former self Now nothing more than a tool for Elon's wealth. He has taken you from us, and there is nothing we can do. We are all just pawns in his twisted game. We are all just X's in his grand scheme. -Unlikely Buddha