Sweet Mystery of Life
Sweet Mystery of Life,
What are you, and wherefore?
What is this strange desire
That fills our hearts with fire?
What is this love divine
That draws our souls together?
What is this strange delight
That makes us long for light?
What is this longing deep
That we can never satisfy?
What is this hope so sweet
That we can never flee?
What is this strange unrest
That drives us on and on?
What is this nameless pain
That makes us weep and moan?
What is this secret flame
That burns within our souls?
What is this deathless dream
That fills our hearts with goals?
Sweet Mystery of Life,
What are you, and wherefore?
What is this strange desire
That fills our hearts with fire?
I do not know, my love,
But I believe that you
Are the answer to my quest,
The key to all my rest.
I believe that you are all
That I have ever sought,
The one true love of my life,
The one true light I've caught.
I believe that you are mine,
And I am yours forever,
And that together we shall find
The meaning of life's sweet endeavor.
Unlikely Buddha ©2023
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