The facts concerning Trump and Fauci during the COVID-19 pandemic

There are a few reasons why Trump and his followers disliked Fauci and blamed him for the COVID-19 pandemic. Fauci contradicted Trump publicly. Fauci was one of the few scientists who was willing to speak out publicly and contradict Trump's statements about the virus, such as when he said that the virus was not going to "disappear" like a miracle in the spring of 2020. Fauci's popularity threatened Trump. Fauci became a trusted voice on the pandemic, and his popularity soared, while Trump's approval ratings declined. This may have threatened Trump's ego and his chances of re-election. Fauci represented the establishment. Fauci is a career government scientist, and he represents the type of expert that Trump and his supporters often distrust. Fauci's advice was inconvenient for Trump's political goals. Fauci's recommendations for things like social distancing and mask-wearing were often inconvenient for Trump's political goals, such as keeping t...