The Many-Worlds theory of quantum mechanics

The Many-Worlds theory of quantum mechanics is an extraordinary idea that challenges our traditional understanding of reality The Many-Worlds theory of quantum mechanics is an extraordinary idea that challenges our traditional understanding of reality. It suggests that every time an action is taken or a choice is made, the universe splits off into numerous parallel worlds. In other words, there are multiple versions of ourselves and the universe, and each one could potentially exist in its own timeline. To understand this better, let's start with the idea that particles in the quantum world can exist in a superposition of states. This means that particles can exist in more than one state or position at the same time. But it's not until we observe the particle that its state collapses into a single outcome. According to the Many-Worlds theory, this collapse is merely an illusion and all outcomes continue to exist in multiple parallel universes, each with its own reality. For ex...