The Tyrant’s ShadowA Tragedy in Five Acts

Dramatis Personae
- Lord Dominus: A Machiavellian nobleman, ambitious and ruthless, consumed by his desire for power. 
- Lady Justicia: A noblewoman of unwavering integrity, champion of the oppressed, yet burdened by doubt. 
- Lord Veritas: A wise and eloquent counselor, a voice of reason who pays the ultimate price for his honesty. 
- Sir Equitas: A valiant knight, loyal to Justicia and the kingdom, embodying courage and honor. 
- Chorus: The voice of the people, observing and commenting on the unfolding drama. 
- The Flame: A symbolic torch carried by Lady Justicia, representing liberty and hope. 


Act I: Exposition
Setting: A court hall, adorned with faded tapestries. Enter LORD DOMINUS, addressing a restless crowd. A crown rests on a pedestal before him.

Hark! Hearken well, ye souls of discontent! 
This realm, a ship adrift on seas of strife, 
Is tossed by tempests, threatened by the night! 
But I, your beacon, with a steady hand, 
Shall guide her through the storm and bring her peace. 

He lifts the crown from the pedestal and places it on his head as the crowd murmurs approval. LADY JUSTICIA and LORD VERITAS exchange a wary glance.

JUSTICIA: (aside)
His words are honeyed, yet his gaze is cold— 
A serpent's gleam beneath a placid brow. 

VERITAS: (to Justicia)
Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing, my lady; 
For tyranny, disguised in robes of grace, 
Doth sow the seeds of discord and despair. 

Dominus turns to them with a sly smile.

My lords and ladies—why such solemn looks? 
Do ye not trust my hand to steer this realm? 

JUSTICIA: (with measured tone)
Trust is a fragile thing, my lord; it grows 
Not from decree but from deeds just and true. 

Dominus’s smile falters as he fixes Justicia with a piercing gaze.

DOMINUS: (aside)
She sees too much; her fire must be quenched. 


Act II: Rising Action
Setting: Dominus's opulent chambers. He sits enthroned while LORD VERITAS stands before him

My liege, thy path, though paved with noble aims, 
Doth tread upon the rights of honest men. 
The whispers grow—a venomous refrain— 
Of justice trampled and of liberties slain. 

DOMINUS: (scoffs)
Whispers? Cowards' fears, born of the night! 
A ruler's will must be the kingdom's law. 
Obedience—not freedom—is the key 
To order’s strength and everlasting sway. 

Veritas steps closer.

But what is order if its cost be chains? 
What strength endures when built on broken backs? 

Dominus rises from his throne in anger. 

Enough! Thy tongue hath sealed thy fate this day! 

Veritas is dragged away by guards as Dominus looks into the distance. 

DOMINUS: (to himself)
The crown is mine—yet still it weighs me down. 
Each foe I fell doth rise within my mind; 
Their shadows haunt me even in their graves. 


Act III: Climax
Setting: A desolate battlefield at dawn. LADY JUSTICIA stands before her troops holding a flaming torch.

JUSTICIA: (raising the flame)
Behold this fire—a light that shall not fade! 
For liberty, for justice, and for truth, 
We raise the sword against this tyrant's reign! 

SIR EQUITAS steps forward. 

Your cause is just; your blade shall strike for all—  
For those who cannot speak nor lift their arms!  

The troops cheer as they charge into battle. Elsewhere on the field, DOMINUS rallies his dwindling forces. 

Cowards! Stand fast! This crown was won through blood;  
It shall not fall to traitors nor to thieves!  

The armies clash in a cacophony of steel and cries. Dominus fights valiantly but watches as his allies desert him one by one.


Act IV: Falling Action
Setting: Dominus’s shattered fortress at twilight. He sits alone beside his crown, haunted by visions.

DOMINUS: (to himself)
Betrayed! Forsaken! By my own hand I built  
This edifice of power—now it crumbles!  
The echoes of their laughter fill the air—  
A symphony of scorn; a requiem for my pride.  

He picks up the crown but hesitates to place it on his head again. 


Lay down thy arms; thy reign hath reached its end.  
Mercy awaits thee if thou yield this day.  

DOMINUS: (spits)
Mercy? From you? You who would steal my crown?  
This crown is mine—it binds me to my fate!  

SIR EQUITAS steps forward with sword drawn. 

Then face thy fate with honor—or with none!  


Act V: Denouement
Setting: A public square at dusk. DOMINUS stands bound before an executioner as citizens gather around.

DOMINUS: (to the crowd
Mark well my fall, ye fickle fleeting souls!  
A king may stumble; yet his shadow lingers—  
A warning writ in blood for all to see:  
Beware ambition cloaked in destiny!  

The executioner raises his blade as Dominus meets his end. The crowd murmurs uneasily as LADY JUSTICIA steps forward holding the flame. 

JUSTICIA: (to herself)  
The tyrant falls—but can this flame endure?   
For even now I see their hungry eyes—   
Ambition waits to claim what he hath lost.   

She extinguishes the flame solemnly as darkness falls over the stage. 

The CHORUS steps forward to deliver the final lines.   

Thus ends the tyrant’s reign—his ambition’s blight;   
But shadows linger; whispers haunt the air.   
For tyranny—though vanquished—may return   
Unless we guard the flame of liberty with care.


© 2025 Steve Raines 


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