The United Nations has NEVER achieved a lasting peace in any region of the world.

The U.N. has been in existence for 78 years, as of today, October 18, 2023.

The U.N. is funded by its member states. The amount each country pays is determined by a complex formula that takes into account the country's economic wealth and population. The total U.N. budget for 2023 is $3.4 billion. The lion share comes from the U.S.

The United Nations has NEVER achieved a lasting peace in any region of the world.

The UN has been involved in a number of peacekeeping operations around the world, and these operations have resulted in the deaths of UN peacekeepers and civilians. 

For example, in 1994, over 800,000 people were killed in the Rwandan genocide, and the UN peacekeeping force failed to prevent the massacre.

Even in cases where the UN has been successful in ending conflicts and promoting peace, there has often been a loss of innocent lives. 

For example, the UN helped to end the civil war in Cambodia in the 1990s, but over 2 million people had already been killed in the conflict.

The U.N. despite its lofty goals has failed at it's most important one, Peace. This was the main reason for it's creation.

Member countries have given them 78 years and they spend $3.4 billion per year.

The United States incurs a significant cost to host the United Nations each year. In 2014, the city of New York billed the federal government $31 million for providing security around the annual UN General Assembly in September. The city also provides other security services for the UN and the diplomatic community, as well as educating the children of UN employees.

In addition to these direct costs, the United States also provides the UN with a variety of indirect benefits, such as tax exemptions and diplomatic immunity. These benefits are difficult to quantify, but they are estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

The cost of building the United Nations headquarters in New York City is estimated to have been around $65 million in 1951 dollars. This is equivalent to around $600 million in today's dollars. The land for the headquarters was donated by the Rockefeller family.

The United States is the largest financial contributor to the UN, providing around 22% of its regular budget. However, the cost of hosting the UN is borne largely by the city of New York and the federal government.

Has the United States, and other member countries gotten what they've paid for?

Unlikely Buddha 2023


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