Native Americans are not indigenous to North America
Genetic studies show that Native Americans are most closely related to people from Siberia and Northeast Asia. And linguistic analysis shows that many Native American languages are related to languages spoken in Siberia and Northeast Asia.
The Bering Strait land bridge was formed during the last Ice Age, when sea levels were lower. At its widest point, the land bridge was about 1,000 miles across. It is thought that people migrated across the land bridge in small groups, following herds of animals.
Once people reached North America, they spread out and developed different cultures. The first Native Americans were hunter-gatherers, but over time they developed agriculture and built cities.
Native Americans are not indigenous to North America in the sense that their ancestors did not originate there, they have lived on the continent for thousands of years and developed their own unique cultures and traditions.
The strict definition of indigenous
Indigenous peoples are a diverse group of people who share a common heritage of having descended from populations who inhabited the present-day territory of a country or a geographically distinct region at the time when people of different cultures or ethnic origins arrived. The newcomers subsequently established a state over most of the territory. Indigenous peoples retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions, while considering themselves distinct from other sectors of the society now prevailing on the territory they inhabit.
Retention of some or all of one's own social, economic, cultural, and political institutions
Distinctiveness from other sectors of the society now prevailing on the territory one inhabits.
Indigenous people are those who have lived in a particular place for a very long time, even if their ancestors came from somewhere else. They have a special connection to the land and its resources, and they have developed their own unique cultures and traditions.
Strictly speaking all peoples of the Americas are indigenous. Please do not confuse it with present day political correctness... all peoples of the Americas are indigenous.
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