Scientific facts concerning the Flood and Ark story of the Bible
Theologians estimate that there are around 1,398 known kinds of land animals and flying creatures, including extinct ones. This means that Noah would have needed to bring around 6,744 animals onto the ark.
Some people believe that the biblical "kind" is equivalent to the modern family level of classification. This means that all animals within a family, such as all cats or all dogs, would be considered to be of the same kind. Others believe that the biblical "kind" is a broader category that includes multiple families.
Scientifically speaking, it is impossible to say for sure how many species of animals existed on Earth at the time of Noah. This is because the fossil record is incomplete and we do not have a complete understanding of the evolution of all animal species.
However, based on the fossil record and our current understanding of evolution, scientists estimate that there were probably around 10-20 million species of animals on Earth at the time of Noah. This number is likely to be an underestimate, as the fossil record is incomplete and we are still discovering new species all the time.
It is also important to note that the number of species of animals on Earth has fluctuated over time. For example, there were many more species of animals on Earth during the Mesozoic era than there are today. This is because the Earth's climate was warmer and wetter during the Mesozoic era, which allowed for a greater diversity of life.
However, based on the fossil record and our current understanding of evolution, it is likely that there were around 10-20 million species of animals on Earth at that time.
Note: that had the ark only saved the 1400 some species that theologians claimed, the rest of the species on Earth would have perished in the flood.
Let's calculate that 10 million species of animals existed on the earth, how many square feet would the ark have to be to hold two of each
If 10 million species of animals existed on Earth, and Noah needed to bring two of each onto the ark, then the ark would need to be 20 million square feet in size.
Assuming that each animal takes up 10 square feet of space, then the total space needed would be:
Total space needed = 10 million species * 2 * 10 square feet = 200 million square feet
This is a massive amount of space, and it is unlikely that Noah could have built an ark this large. In fact, the largest ships in the world today are only around 1 million square feet in size.
So, while it is possible to calculate how many square feet the ark would need to be to hold two of each of the 10 million species of animals on Earth, it is unlikely that such an ark could have actually been built.
Now for the methods of ship building at the time of Noah how long would it take one man to build that size in Ark?
It is impossible to say for sure how long it would take one man to build an ark 20 million square feet in size using the methods of shipbuilding at the time of Noah. The Bible does not provide any details about how the ark was built, so we can only make educated guesses based on our knowledge of ancient shipbuilding techniques.
One estimate is that it would take a team of skilled shipbuilders 100 years to build an ark this size. This estimate is based on the fact that it took the Egyptians over 20 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is only about 13 acres in size.
Another estimate is that it would take a single man 1,000 years to build an ark this size. This estimate is based on the fact that it takes a skilled woodworker about 10 days to build a small boat, such as a canoe.
Of course, these are just estimates. The actual time it would take to build an ark 20 million square feet in size would depend on a number of factors, such as the skill of the builder, the availability of materials, and the weather conditions.
There would be many difficulties in getting 10 million species of animals on an ark, including animals that would attack each other. Here are a few examples:
Predator-prey relationships:
Many animals in the wild have evolved to prey on other animals. For example, lions eat zebras, and zebras eat grass. If these animals were all put on an ark together, the lions would likely eat the zebras and the zebras would eat all the grass.
Territorial behavior: Some animals are very territorial and will attack other animals that enter their territory.
For example, male bears are very territorial and will attack other male bears that enter their territory. If these animals were all put on an ark together, they would likely fight constantly.
Disease transmission: Some animals can carry diseases that can be transmitted to other animals and even to humans.
For example, bats can carry rabies, which is a deadly disease that can be transmitted to humans. If these animals were all put on an ark together, diseases could easily spread throughout the population.
In addition to these difficulties, there would also be the practical challenge of fitting 10 million species of animals on an ark. Even if the ark was very large, there would not be enough space for each animal to have its own dedicated enclosure. This means that some animals would have to be housed together, which could lead to conflict and aggression.
All of these factors make it highly unlikely that it would be possible to get 10 million species of animals on an ark and keep them safe and healthy.
The diet of animals in their specific habitats at the time of Noah would have been largely determined by the availability of food sources in those habitats.
For example, herbivores would have eaten the plants that were available in their environment, such as grasses, leaves, and fruits.
Carnivores would have eaten the animals that were available in their environment, such as insects, fish, and other mammals.
Omnivores would have eaten a combination of plants and animals.
However, overall, the diet of animals on the ark would have been similar to the diet of animals in their natural habitats at the time of Noah.
Here are some specific examples of the diet of animals in their specific habitats at the time of Noah:
Lions: Lions would have eaten zebras, gazelles, and other hoofed animals.
Elephants: Elephants would have eaten leaves, fruits, and grasses.
Monkeys: Monkeys would have eaten fruit, insects, and small animals.
Fish: Fish would have eaten plankton and other small aquatic organisms.
Birds: Birds would have eaten insects, seeds, and fruit.
Of course, there would have been some variation in diet depending on the specific habitat of the animal.
For example, lions in the African savannah would have had a different diet than lions in the Asian jungle.
Overall, the diet of animals on the ark would have been similar to the diet of animals in their natural habitats at the time of Noah.
Was there enough lumber in the area of Noah in order to build such a large Ark
It is difficult to say for sure whether or not there was enough lumber in the area of Noah to build an ark 20 million square feet in size. The Bible does not say where Noah built the ark, so we can only make educated guesses based on our knowledge of the geography of the Middle East at the time.
One possibility is that Noah built the ark in the Mesopotamian region, which is now Iraq and Syria. This region was home to extensive forests in ancient times.
However, by the time of Noah, these forests had been heavily exploited by humans. It is possible that there was still enough lumber in the region to build an ark, but it would have been a very difficult and time-consuming task.
Another possibility is that Noah built the ark in the mountainous region of Armenia. This region is still heavily forested today. However, it is unclear whether or not there were enough trees in this region at the time of Noah to build an ark 20 million square feet in size.
Ultimately, it is impossible to say for sure whether or not there was enough lumber in the area of Noah to build an ark this size. However, it is clear that it would have been a very difficult and time-consuming task, even if there were enough lumber available.
It is unlikely that one man could gather all the material required to build an ark 20 million square feet in size, even if there were enough materials available in the area.
Building an ark of this size would require a massive amount of lumber. Even if Noah had access to an unlimited supply of lumber, he would still need to transport it to the construction site. This would be a very difficult and time-consuming task, even with the help of animals or other people.
In addition to lumber, Noah would also need other materials to build the ark, such as nails, ropes, and waterproof sealant. These materials would be difficult to find and gather, especially in ancient times.
Finally, Noah would need to have a deep understanding of shipbuilding techniques in order to build an ark that was large enough and seaworthy enough to withstand a global flood. It is unlikely that one man would have the skills and knowledge necessary to build an ark of this size on his own.
Overall, it is very unlikely that one man could gather all the material required to build an ark 20 million square feet in size, even if there were enough materials available in the area and even if he had the skills and knowledge necessary to build such a massive vessel.
An ark 20 million square feet in size would weigh hundreds of millions of tons.
The exact weight would depend on the materials used to build the ark, but a conservative estimate is that it would weigh at least 500 million tons.
The water displacement of the ark would also be hundreds of millions of tons. This is because the ark would need to be buoyant enough to float on the water. The amount of water that the ark would displace would be equal to its weight.
To put this in perspective, the largest aircraft carrier in the world, the USS Gerald R. Ford, weighs about 100,000 tons and has a water displacement of about 110,000 tons. So, an ark 20 million square feet in size would weigh and displace the water equivalent of over 5,000 aircraft carriers.
It is important to note that the Bible does not say how big the ark was. The size of the ark is calculated based on the assumption that Noah needed to bring two of every animal on the ark. However, as we discussed earlier, it is unlikely that Noah would have needed to bring two of every single species of animal on the ark.
The flood itself.
Scientists estimate that there is only enough water vapor in the atmosphere to cover the Earth with about 1 inch of water. This is not enough water to create a global flood.
Even if all of the water vapor in the atmosphere was released as rain, it would only cover the Earth with about 12 inches of water. This is still not enough water to create a global flood.
So, where did the water for the global flood come from? Some people believe that the water came from underground aquifers. Others believe that the water came from the melting of glaciers or ice sheets. However, there is no scientific evidence to support either of these theories.
There is no geological evidence to support the claim that a global flood ever occurred.
If all the water in the atmosphere fell, it would cause a significant amount of flooding. However, it is unlikely that this would be enough to create a global flood.
As I mentioned earlier, scientists estimate that there is only enough water vapor in the atmosphere to cover the Earth with about 1 inch of water. This is not enough water to cover all of the Earth's landmasses, which account for about 30% of the Earth's surface.
In addition, the water in the atmosphere is not evenly distributed around the Earth. Some areas have more water vapor in the atmosphere than others. This means that even if all of the water vapor in the atmosphere fell, it would not be evenly distributed around the Earth. Some areas would be flooded, while other areas would not be affected at all.
So, while a global flood caused by all of the water in the atmosphere falling is theoretically possible, it is unlikely that this would actually happen.
Here is a more detailed explanation of why a global flood is unlikely:
The Earth's surface is about 196.9 million square miles (510.1 million square kilometers). If all of the water vapor in the atmosphere fell evenly across the Earth's surface, it would only cover the Earth with about 1 inch of water. This is not enough water to cover all of the Earth's landmasses.
Even if the water vapor in the atmosphere fell unevenly, it is unlikely that it would be enough to cause a global flood. The Earth's oceans contain about 96.5% of all of the water on Earth. The remaining 3.5% of the water on Earth is found in freshwater sources, such as lakes, rivers, and glaciers.
If all of the water vapor in the atmosphere fell, it would only add about 1% to the Earth's total water supply. This is not enough water to cause a global flood.
In order for a global flood to occur, the Earth's total water supply would need to increase by at least 30%. This is unlikely to happen, even if all of the water vapor in the atmosphere fell.
Therefore, it is unlikely that a global flood caused by all of the water in the atmosphere falling would actually happen.
An ark 20 million square feet in size would weigh hundreds of millions of tons. Even the Great Artesian Basin would need to produce billions of tons of water per year in order to float an ark of this size. This is simply not possible.
There are a number of scientific arguments that have been made against the story.
For example, as I mentioned earlier, scientists estimate that there is not enough water in the atmosphere or in aquifers to create a global flood.
There are several flood stories that predate the story of Noah and the Ark. These stories come from Mesopotamia, the ancient civilization that existed in what is now Iraq and Syria.
One of the earliest flood stories is the Sumerian story of Ziusudra. This story tells the tale of a man who is warned by the gods that a flood is coming and builds a boat to save himself, his family, and a pair of every animal.
Another flood story is the Akkadian story of Utnapishtim. This story is very similar to the Sumerian story of Ziusudra, but it includes more details about the flood itself.
The story of Noah and the Ark is thought to have been influenced by these earlier flood stories.
It is likely that the Israelites, who wrote the story of Noah, were familiar with the flood stories of Mesopotamia.
The fact that there are several flood stories from Mesopotamia that predate the story of Noah and the Ark suggests that the flood story is a common myth or archetype.
Scientifically speaking, the story of Noah and the Ark is improbable and it is more likely that the flood story is a myth or fable.
Unlikely Buddha 2023
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