This Lisp code will produce a plot of the spatial and temporal coordinates of the quantum system in a two-state system
(require 'quantum-system)
(defun psi ()
(defun evolve-psi (psi)
(dot (S) psi))
(defun plot-psi (psi)
(plot (x psi) (y psi) :color 'blue :type :o)
(xlabel "x")
(ylabel "y")
(title "Quantum System in a Two-State System")
(defun main ()
(let ((psi (psi)))
(loop for i from 0 to 99
do (psi (evolve-psi psi)))
(plot-psi psi)))
This code uses the quantum-system library to define the psi, evolve-psi, and plot-psi functions. The psi function creates a quantum system in a two-state system. The evolve-psi function evolves the quantum system in time using the S operator. The plot-psi function plots the spatial and temporal coordinates of the quantum system.
The main function creates a psi variable and then loops over the range 0 to 99, evolving the quantum system at each step. Finally, the plot-psi function is called to plot the quantum system.
Unlikely Buddha 2023
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