How do we get from the BCS theory of superconductivity to the. Everette Formulation?

In the Everett formulation of quantum mechanics, superconductivity can be described as a process in which all possible outcomes of a quantum measurement are realized in different branches of the wavefunction.

In the case of superconductivity, the different branches of the wavefunction correspond to different configurations of the Cooper pairs, which are pairs of electrons that are bound together by the exchange of virtual photons. 

When a superconductor is cooled below its critical temperature, all of the possible configurations of the Cooper pairs become equally likely, and the wavefunction of the superconductor splits into a huge number of branches, each corresponding to a different configuration of the Cooper pairs.

In each branch of the wavefunction, the Cooper pairs are able to flow through the superconductor without any resistance. This is because the electrons in the Cooper pairs are perfectly synchronized, and they move together as a single unit. As a result, there is no energy loss when the Cooper pairs flow through the superconductor.

The Everett formulation of quantum mechanics provides a natural explanation for superconductivity. 

In this formulation, there is no need to invoke any new physical principles to explain superconductivity. 

Instead, superconductivity can be seen as a natural consequence of the wavefunction of the superconductor splitting into a huge number of branches.

Here is a more technical explanation of how superconductivity can be described in the Everett formulation. 

In the Everett formulation, the wavefunction of a system is a superposition of all possible states of the system.

When a quantum measurement is made, the wavefunction of the system collapses into one of the possible states. 

However, in the Everett formulation, this does not mean that the other possible states cease to exist. Instead, they continue to exist in other branches of the wavefunction.

In the case of superconductivity, the different branches of the wavefunction correspond to different configurations of the Cooper pairs. 

When a superconductor is cooled below its critical temperature, all of the possible configurations of the Cooper pairs become equally likely, and the wavefunction of the superconductor splits into a huge number of branches, each corresponding to a different configuration of the Cooper pairs.

In each branch of the wavefunction, the Cooper pairs are able to flow through the superconductor without any resistance. 

This is because the electrons in the Cooper pairs are perfectly synchronized, and they move together as a single unit. 

As a result, there is no energy loss when the Cooper pairs flow through the superconductor.

The Everett formulation of quantum mechanics provides a natural explanation for this phenomenon. In this formulation, the different branches of the wavefunction are all equally real, and there is no one branch that is more real than the others.

Therefore, it is possible for the Cooper pairs to flow through the superconductor in any of the possible configurations.

The Everett formulation provides a natural explanation for superconductivity, and it is a promising approach to understanding other quantum phenomena.

How do we get from the current model of superconductivity to Everette?

The current model of superconductivity is based on the BCS theory, which describes superconductivity as a phenomenon that arises from the interaction between electrons and phonons. 

In the BCS theory, the electrons form Cooper pairs, which are pairs of electrons that are bound together by the exchange of virtual photons.

These Cooper pairs are able to flow through the superconductor without any resistance because they are perfectly synchronized.

The Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics is a different way of understanding quantum mechanics. In the Everett interpretation, the wavefunction of a system is a superposition of all possible states of the system. 

This means that all possible outcomes of a quantum measurement are realized in different branches of the wavefunction.

To get from the current model of superconductivity to the Everett interpretation, we need to make two assumptions. 

First, we need to assume that the wavefunction of a superconductor is a superposition of all possible configurations of the Cooper pairs. 

Second, we need to assume that the different branches of the wavefunction are all equally real.

If we make these two assumptions, then we can see that superconductivity can be explained in the Everett interpretation. 

In this interpretation, the different branches of the wavefunction correspond to different configurations of the Cooper pairs. 

When a superconductor is cooled below its critical temperature, all of the possible configurations of the Cooper pairs become equally likely, and the wavefunction of the superconductor splits into a huge number of branches, each corresponding to a different configuration of the Cooper pairs.

In each branch of the wavefunction, the Cooper pairs are able to flow through the superconductor without any resistance. 

This is because the electrons in the Cooper pairs are perfectly synchronized, and they move together as a single unit. As a result, there is no energy loss when the Cooper pairs flow through the superconductor.

Here are some of the challenges in getting from the current model of superconductivity to the Everett interpretation:

The BCS theory is a very successful theory of superconductivity. It has been able to explain a wide range of experimental observations. 

However, the BCS theory does not explicitly take into account the wavefunction of the superconductor.

The Everett interpretation is a very radical interpretation of quantum mechanics. 

It goes against our everyday intuition about how the world works. This makes it difficult to accept for many people.

There is no experimental evidence that supports the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics. However, there is also no experimental evidence that disproves it.

Despite these challenges, the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics is a promising approach to understanding superconductivity and other quantum phenomena. It is a theory that is worth exploring further.

Unlikely Buddha ©2023


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