Here are the formulas necessary to incorporate the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics into the complex plane, in logical order

Define the complex plane. The complex plane is a two-dimensional plane where each point is represented by a complex number. A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, and i is an imaginary unit that satisfies i^2 = -1.

Map spatial coordinates to the complex plane. We can map spatial coordinates to the complex plane by using the real part of the complex number to represent the x-coordinate and the imaginary part of the complex number to represent the y-coordinate. For example, the point (1, 2) in the real plane would be mapped to the complex number 1 + 2i in the complex plane.

Map temporal coordinates to the complex plane. We can map temporal coordinates to the complex plane by using the real part of the complex number to represent the time t, and the imaginary part of the complex number to represent the Planck constant h. For example, the time t = 1 second would be mapped to the complex number 1 + ih in the complex plane.

Consider a quantum system that can be in two different states. We can represent a quantum system that can be in two different states by using a vector in the complex plane. The vector will have a length of 1, and its direction will represent the state of the system.

Consider a quantum system that can be in an infinite number of states. We can represent a quantum system that can be in an infinite number of states by using a point cloud in the complex plane. The point cloud will have an infinite number of points, and each point will represent a different state of the system.

These are the basic formulas necessary to incorporate the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics into the complex plane. By using these formulas, we can visualize the many different states that a quantum system can be in, and we can see how these states interact with each other.

# Define the complex plane z = a + bi 

# Map spatial coordinates to the complex plane x = real(z) y = imag(z) 

# Map temporal coordinates to the complex plane t = real(z) h = imag(z) 

# Represent a quantum system in two states v = (1, 0)

# Represent a quantum system in an infinite number of states S = {(1, 0), (0, 1), ...} 

-Unlikely Buddha


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