Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Silent Pool

The summer sun beat down on the Johnsons' backyard, casting shimmering diamonds on the inviting pool. Laughter, as bright and bubbly as the chlorine-scented air, filled the space. Eight-year-old Alex Thompson, a whirlwind of energy with a sun-kissed grin, was the heart of the party. Inseparable from Timmy Johnson, their bond was as strong as the summer heat.

Alex was a water sprite, fearless and agile. He dove, splashed, and cannonballed with reckless abandon. Timmy, more cautious, was drawn into the fun by Alex's infectious enthusiasm. As the afternoon wore on, their laughter grew into a symphony, their bodies slick with a sheen of water.

It was during a playful underwater contest that the day took a sinister turn. Timmy, in a moment of roughhousing, pushed Alex beneath the surface. The world contracted into a claustrophobic bubble as cold water engulfed him. Panic, a jagged claw, gripped his insides. Desperate gasps echoed in the silent, watery tomb, but no air reached his lungs. His vision narrowed to a pinprick of light, a distant, mocking sun.

A fiery agony consumed his lungs as seconds stretched into an eternity. The world was a maelstrom of sound and fury, then silence. A final, desperate inhalation, and darkness claimed him.

Consciousness returned as a fractured mosaic. The world was muted, filtered through a veil of fog. His body felt like lead, weighted down by an unseen force. A chilling detachment washed over him, a stark contrast to the panic that should have consumed him. The once-familiar world was now a surreal tableau.

The pool, a former oasis of joy, had transformed into a menacing entity. Its depths seemed to call to him, a siren song laced with an undercurrent of dread. With each return, the water grew colder, the silence more profound. Strange occurrences began to punctuate his days. Objects shifted position, doors creaked open without a breeze, and a cold draft seemed to seep through the house, carrying with it the faint, metallic scent of decay.

One afternoon, while exploring the dusty confines of the attic, he stumbled upon a forgotten box of childhood treasures. Nestled amidst the toys and trinkets was a newspaper clipping, yellowed and brittle. His heart pounded as he read the stark headline: "Local Boy Drowned in Tragic Pool Accident." A cold dread seeped into his bones as he realized the chilling truth: he was a ghost, trapped in the echo of his own demise.

Grief, a raw and unfamiliar emotion, clawed at his spectral form. He mourned the life stolen from him, the future that would never be. Yet, a strange serenity washed over him, a quiet acceptance of his fate. He was a silent observer, a witness to the lives of those he left behind.

Timmy, a mere shadow of his former self, was haunted by guilt. Alex felt a surge of empathy, a profound ache for his friend. Through imperceptible shifts in objects and fleeting shadows, he tried to convey his presence, a silent reassurance in the face of overwhelming sorrow.

The pool, once the scene of tragedy, became a bridge between two worlds. It was here that Alex felt most connected to the living, a tenuous link to the world he had lost. With each visit, his spectral form seemed to solidify, his connection to the physical realm deepening.

As time wore on, a purpose emerged from the fog of his ghostly existence. He would be a guardian, a silent sentinel watching over Timmy. To help his friend heal, he would be his ethereal companion.

With each passing day, Timmy's laughter, once a distant echo, grew louder. The weight of guilt, though still present, was gradually lifting. Alex found solace in these small victories, a silent cheerleading from the sidelines of life. But as Timmy's spirit began to mend, so too did Alex's resolve to move on.

There were nights when he stood at the pool's edge, the moon casting an ethereal glow on the water. In these moments, he felt a pull, an invitation to the unknown. The pool, once the architect of his fate, now seemed to offer a way forward.

On a crisp autumn evening, as the first leaves painted the world in hues of gold and crimson, Alex made his decision. With a sense of peace, he stepped into the familiar cold. As the water enveloped him, a sense of liberation washed over him. He was returning to the nothingness from which he had come.

In the morning, a mist hung over the pool, carrying the faint whisper of a departing soul. The world continued its ceaseless turning, oblivious to the absence of a ghost who had watched over it. Yet, in the hearts of those who knew him, Alex lived on, a memory softened by time, a whisper on the wind.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Beneath the Weeping April Moon

A haunting tale, a bittersweet refrain, Love’s embered ashes, haunting heart and brain. Forsaken for a soul deemed more refined, A wounded spirit, tempest-tossed and blind. Moon, spectral witness to my soul’s despair, Your silvered gaze, a phantom’s haunting stare. Here, tears like rivers carved in lunar sand, A desolate heart, a withered, barren land. Can madness bloom in reason’s barren field? My spirit, a wounded bird, its wings concealed. O, Moon, your glow, a mournful, silvered sea, Where shattered dreams drift aimlessly. A cradle once of laughter, warmth, and grace, Now echoes chamber of a lost embrace. Your light, a dagger piercing through the night, Revealing shadows, cold and desolate sight. A prisoner of longing, hope’s frail art, A captive heart, torn asunder from the start. Can stars betray, or is it just my mind, A twisted maze where sanity’s confined? I search for solace in your silent gleam, Yet find but echoes of a vanished dream. A phantom lover, haunting every breath, A phantom life, suspended in the death Of what once was, a paradise of yore, Now barren wasteland, forevermore. Your fullness mocks the emptiness inside, A cosmic mirror, where lost souls abide. I yearn for dawn, to break this endless night, Yet fear the sunlight’s piercing, cruel light. So let me linger in your soft embrace, A mournful specter in this mournful space. And when the morning comes, with its harsh glare, May shadows shield me from despair.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Love's Tapestry

In hearts entwined, a rosebud blooms, A secret unfolds, whispered in perfumes. Love's touch, a flame that flickers and soothes, A bittersweet symphony, played on heartstrings uncouth. We walk on life's path, hand in woven hand, A tapestry stitched with joy's vibrant strand. Tears fall like rain, washing worries away, Love's ember glows, a guiding star each day. One love ignites, a wildfire in our souls, Two hearts ablaze, as passion takes control. Destined to wander, like birds on the breeze, Yet forever tethered, by love's mysterious seas. Through stormy nights, where tempers ignite, Our love transforms, bathed in morning's light. In the fiery dance, our spirits entwine, Two souls as one, forever thine.


Winston always felt like a shadow at the edge of things. In the boisterous hallways of Oakridge High, he couldn't shake the prickling sensation of unseen eyes judging his every move. As he fumbled with his locker, a strangled laugh erupted from a nearby group. Was it him? The thought snaked into his mind, a serpent coiling itself around his already churning anxieties. In class, the drone of the teacher became a distant hum. Winston found himself lost in a labyrinth of his own thoughts, each glance from a classmate a potential accusation. Uncertainty gnawed at him, a constant itch he couldn't scratch. Lunch was an exercise in solitude. Winston sat alone, picking at his food, an invisible wall separating him from the easy laughter of others. He yearned for connection, but a paralyzing fear held him back. "They wouldn't understand," he thought, his heart sinking into his chest. After graduation, Winston drifted from job to job. Construction sites and mechanic shops became his world, filled with the comforting rhythm of physical labor. Yet, the feeling of being watched followed him like a stray shadow. One day, hauling lumber, a hushed conversation snagged on his ears. He couldn't decipher the words, but a cold dread slithered down his spine. Were they talking about him? The suspicion festered, poisoning his already fragile sense of security. When Sarah, a girl from high school, agreed to a date, a fragile hope flickered in Winston's chest. Their relationship was a tempestuous dance of misunderstandings and arguments. But when they moved in together, Winston clung to the belief that things were finally on the upswing. Thanks to his uncle's connection, Winston landed a job as an office assistant. The sterile environment, with its rows of cubicles and harsh fluorescent lights, felt suffocating. Every rustle of paper, every hushed conversation that ceased abruptly in his presence, fueled his paranoia. They were talking about him. He just knew it. The break room became his sanctuary, a cold cup of coffee his only companion. Laughter erupted from a nearby group, and he swore he heard his name. The sound sent a jolt through him. Unable to contain the torrent of suspicion, he lurched towards them. "I know what you're saying about me!" he blurted, his voice cracking with desperation. The women stared at him, bewildered and a touch afraid. That evening, Winston returned home, his mind a battlefield of swirling thoughts. The apartment was unnervingly quiet. Sarah was gone, leaving only a note and a chillingly impersonal check. The words "don't call me ever again" echoed in his mind, a death knell to his already shattered hope. As he collapsed onto the couch, the room seemed to tilt on its axis. A voice, chillingly clear yet disembodied, filled the silence. "Winston," it began, the tone both soothing and laced with malice. "I've been watching you." Winston's heart hammered against his ribs. "God?" he rasped, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes, my child," the voice replied. "I've seen your struggles. I know the truth." Throughout the night, Winston poured out his fears and suspicions to the voice, each confirmation fueling the inferno of his paranoia. The room morphed into a grotesque reflection of his fractured mind. Shadows danced on the walls, morphing into menacing shapes. The voice, now a deafening roar, drowned out all reason. As dawn painted the sky a bruised purple, Winston huddled in the corner, his eyes vacant and unfocused. The line between reality and delusion had dissolved. He was no longer alone; the phantoms of his mind now filled the void, his own creation a terrifying prison.

Entangled Hearts

The icy winds of Antarctica whistled a lonely tune as Dr. Ethan Brenner peered through the frosted window. A brilliant physicist, Ethan found himself yearning for warmth – not just the physical kind Antarctica lacked, but the warmth of human connection. Miles away, in Tokyo, neuroscientist Sophia Chen traced a finger along a blossoming cherry branch, the delicate pink a stark contrast to the steely skyscrapers. A bittersweet ache bloomed in her chest, mirroring the one Ethan felt under the vast, lonely sky. Their separation, a consequence of groundbreaking research, had become an unexpected catalyst. As weeks bled into months, a curious phenomenon began. Ethan was assaulted by fleeting yet vivid visions – the press of a steaming cup of green tea in his hands, the melodic hum of Tokyo's bustling streets. Simultaneously, complex equations that danced in Ethan's mind would appear in Sophia's dreams, accompanied by the bone-chilling bite of the Antarctic wind. One evening, during their video call, Ethan blurted out, "You won't believe what just happened!" before Sophia could voice her own bewilderment. Their eyes met, a shared gasp escaping their lips. On Ethan's screen, Sophia's face mirrored his own dawning realization – a connection deeper than any video call could ever forge. "I... I saw cherry blossoms," Ethan stammered, the words catching in his throat. "And felt the warmth of sunlight. Like I was right there with you." Sophia's eyebrows shot up. "That's crazy! Because I just..." she trailed off, a blush creeping up her cheeks, "I just dreamt of complex equations and... and freezing wind." Initially, Ethan, the ever-skeptical scientist, dismissed these occurrences as hallucinations, a figment of his isolation. But as the episodes intensified, a seed of possibility sprouted. Could their bond be a manifestation of quantum entanglement, the bizarre phenomenon where particles remained linked across space and time? The scientist in him scoffed, yet the undeniable pull towards Sophia whispered a different truth. Their love story became an experiment defying definition. As they shared their deepest fears and aspirations, the physical distance between them dissolved. Ethan's calloused fingers, perpetually stained with ink, itched to trace the soft curve of Sophia's cheek he'd only glimpsed on a screen. Sophia longed to feel the warmth of his hand in hers, a grounding presence in this whirlwind of emotions. Fueled by this inexplicable connection, Ethan delved deeper into his research, blurring the lines between physics and neuroscience. Was love, in its purest form, a force as fundamental as gravity, capable of bending the very fabric of reality? As their Antarctic reunion loomed, a poignant question lingered – would their quantum tether remain, a testament to a love story woven in the stars, or would it vanish like a fleeting dream? "Ethan," Sophia said softly, her voice trembling with a mix of hope and trepidation, "do you think...?" Ethan squeezed her hand, his eyes reflecting the same uncertainty. "I don't know, Sophia. But whatever happens, we'll face it together." The Antarctic sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in a fiery palette of orange and purple. As they stood there, hand in hand, the vastness of the universe seemed a little less daunting, a little more full of possibility. Theirs was a love story written in the language of science and whispered on the winds of time, a testament to the enduring power of human connection.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"Reptile Brain Romance"

The neon lights bled into streaks of color like spilled watercolor paint on the rain-slick windshield as Jack navigated the familiar streets. His phone buzzed insistently on the passenger seat, Melissa's name flashing on the screen. He sighed, the weight of his decision a physical presence in the car. He answered, "Hey," his voice gruff.

"Jack," Melissa's voice, a siren song laced with desperation, filled the air. "I need you. I'm on the street again. Please come get me."

As Jack weaved through the city's underbelly, his mind drifted to the first time he met Melissa three months ago. She had been sitting at the bar, fingers dancing across piano keys only she could see, humming a haunting melody. Her talent for music was one of the first things that drew him in, a glimpse of beauty amidst the chaos that seemed to follow her.

He spotted her on a corner near Fordham Road, a lone figure illuminated by the harsh lamplight. As she slid into the car, the scent of rain and cigarettes mingled in the air. "Thank you," she whispered, her hand a cold touch against his. The electricity that shot through him was a bittersweet reminder of why he couldn't let go.

"Where have you been?" Jack asked, his voice gentler than he intended.

Melissa's eyes darted around, her reptilian brain clearly in high alert. "I... I went to see my sister," she mumbled, avoiding his gaze. "It didn't go well. Never does."

Jack knew bits and pieces about Melissa's family - a father who left when she was young, a mother who turned to the bottle, a sister who seemed to have it all together. Family was a minefield for Melissa, each interaction leaving fresh scars on her already battered psyche.

Their relationship was a tempestuous dance, a rollercoaster of exhilarating highs and soul-crushing lows. One moment, they were laughing under the stars, her laughter echoing through empty streets as they twirled like carefree teenagers. The next, she'd vanish, leaving Jack to wonder if she was lost in the haze of another bender or holed up in her apartment, furiously painting her emotions onto canvas - another talent she possessed but rarely shared.

Jack knew, with a dreadful certainty, that Melissa was battling inner demons. The erratic mood swings, the constant drama, the way she thrived on chaos – it all pointed to a deeper issue. Yet, every time he considered walking away, she'd reel him back in with a vulnerability that clawed at his protective instincts.

"I'm trying, Jack," Melissa would say in her clearer moments, eyes brimming with tears and determination. "I want to be better. For you. For me." But the cycle would inevitably repeat, her fears and insecurities driving her back into the arms of her old habits.

Melissa operated on a different frequency. Her reptilian brain was in perpetual combat mode. Every interaction was a potential threat or an opportunity, her eyes constantly scanning, assessing, calculating her next move. Jack had seen this in action not just with him, but with everyone - the wary distrust of the waitress at their favorite diner, the sudden charm offensive with the landlord when rent was due, the explosive argument with a stranger who looked at her the wrong way.

In rare moments of clarity, Melissa would peel back the layers, revealing glimpses of a troubled childhood and past relationships that had left their scars. "I'm a mess, Jack," she'd confess, tears welling up in her eyes. "Sometimes I dream of just... being normal. Having a steady job, a quiet life. But then I feel like I'm suffocating, and I have to run."

These glimpses fueled Jack's desire to help her, to be the haven she so desperately craved. He'd seen her potential - her music, her art, her moments of profound empathy for others who were struggling. But just as quickly, the walls would slam back up. Melissa would lash out, her words laced with venom, or disappear for days on end, leaving Jack in a state of suspended anxiety.

It was during one of these disappearances that he found himself back at their favorite bar, the silence deafening without her chaotic presence. The bartender, who had seen their story play out countless times before, simply shook his head. "She called," he said, sliding Jack a note. "Said she's with some doctor friend uptown. Said she'll be back when she figures things out."

As weeks bled into months, Jack realized there were no easy answers. Melissa remained an enigma, a beautiful puzzle with missing pieces. He was trapped in her orbit, caught between the need to save her and the fear that he was enabling her destructive behavior.

The last time he saw her, they stood on his balcony, the city lights twinkling like scattered diamonds below. Melissa turned to him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You know this isn't good for you, right?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm poison, Jack. I destroy everything I touch."

Jack swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding as he pulled her close. "I know," he replied, the words a stark admission of his helplessness. "But I also see the good in you, Mel. The music, the art, the way you helped that homeless guy last week. You're not all darkness."

Melissa let out a bitter laugh. "Maybe. But the darkness always wins in the end. It's easier that way. Safer."

As they stood there, entangled in a bittersweet embrace, Jack understood that some stories have messy endings. His dance with the negative girl would continue, a chaotic tango fueled by a potent mix of love, addiction, and the desperate hope for redemption.

In that moment, suspended between the past and the uncertain future, Jack realized he had grown. He was no longer a passive observer but an active participant, grappling with the complexities of love, loss, and the arduous journey of self-discovery. And perhaps, in her own way, Melissa was growing too - each cycle bringing a little more self-awareness, a little more desire to change, even if the path forward remained shrouded in uncertainty.

Emerald Eyes

The bass thrummed through Jake's chest as he nursed his third whiskey, ice cubes clinking against glass. Neon lights cut through the smoky haze, painting fleeting colors across a sea of writhing bodies. That's when he saw her.

She moved like a panther, all sleek grace and coiled power. Raven hair cascaded down her back, and those eyes – God, those eyes. Emerald green, but with a coldness that sent a shiver down Jake's spine. Desire and dread mingled in his gut.

"Don't even think about it," Tom's voice cut through the music. "That's Lilith. She'll eat you alive."

Jake barely registered his friend's words. Lilith had locked eyes with him, and suddenly, the rest of the world faded away.

"Aren't you going to offer me a drink?" Her voice was smoke and honey, with an edge that hinted at hidden dangers.

Jake nodded, mesmerized. Tom tried to intervene, but Jake shrugged him off, irritation flaring.

On the dance floor, Lilith pressed against him. The scent of her perfume – jasmine and something darker – filled his senses. Her touch left trails of fire on his skin. Jake's heart raced, equal parts exhilaration and primal fear.

During a brief reprieve, Tom cornered Jake by the bathrooms. "Listen to me," he hissed, gripping Jake's arm. "I've seen her work before. She finds guys like you – lonely, a little desperate. She'll bleed you dry, man. Your money, your self-respect, everything."

Jake's anger flared. "You don't know what you're talking about," he slurred, shoving Tom away. "You're just jealous."

Tom's eyes were full of pity. "She's not real, Jake. Whatever you think this is – it's all an act."

But Jake was already scanning the crowd, desperate for another glimpse of Lilith.

Hours blurred together. Lilith's whispers painted vivid fantasies in Jake's mind. Her promises were dark and thrilling, each touch a jolt of electricity.

"Let's get out of here," she purred. "But first, we need cash for the cab."

Jake barely hesitated at the ATM, punching in his PIN with clumsy fingers. Warning bells rang distantly in his mind, but Lilith's smile silenced them all.

Dawn's harsh light found Jake sprawled on stained motel sheets. His head pounded, mouth dry as sandpaper. Panic set in as he patted empty pockets. Wallet, phone, watch – all gone. A glance out the grimy window confirmed his worst fear: his car had vanished too.

Shame burned in his chest as he trudged back to the club. Tom was there, wiping down the bar, a silent "I told you so" in his eyes.

"She took everything," Jake croaked. "The money for my mom's medical bills... my car... How do I even get to work now?"

Tom sighed, sliding a cup of coffee across the bar. "You're not the first, Jake. And you won't be the last."

As they stepped outside, Jake's eyes darted to the shadows. For a heartbeat, he thought he glimpsed a flash of green eyes and a predatory smile. But then it was gone, leaving him to wonder if Lilith had been real at all, or merely a manifestation of his own darkest desires.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Shattered Illusions

In the gallery of my mind, your portrait hung eternal,
A masterpiece I painted with brushstrokes of denial.
Now it's a fading fresco, crumbling like autumn leaves,
Revealing the barren wall of truth beneath.

The Void You Left

Your absence is a black hole, consuming all light,
A vacuum where my heart once beat with delight.
Too late I learned the weight of what I'd lost,
A lesson etched in ice, bitter with frost.

Pride's Folly

I wore arrogance like a crown, fool's gold upon my brow,
Thinking I bestowed a gift, your presence to allow.
But you were the treasure, hidden in plain sight,
Now gone, leaving me alone in endless night.

Addiction to Absence

This withdrawal is a tempest, raging in my veins,
Each memory a lightning bolt of exquisite pain.
I should learn to breathe without you, to stand alone,
But I'm a tree without roots, by fierce winds blown.

The Unraveling

Time, they say, is a healer, a balm for the soul,
But each passing moment leaves me less than whole.
This mistake grows like a cancer, consuming all,
Your departure, a wrecking ball to my paper-thin wall.

Echoes in the Dark

In the depths of night, your ghost still lingers near,
A phantom touch, a whispered word I strain to hear.
Sleep eludes me, for in dreams you're by my side,
Waking is a cruel reminder of the tears I've cried.

The Endless Refrain

I'm a broken record, stuck on a mournful track,
Repeating your name, begging you to come back.
This habit, this addiction, I cannot seem to break,
Without you, I'm lost at sea, forever in your wake.

  © Steve Raines 2024


A Note on the Power of Poetry

The art of poetry, when crafted with skill and emotion, has the remarkable ability to resonate deeply within the reader. It can awaken dormant memories, stir forgotten feelings, and allow us to experience emotions vicariously through the words on the page. This poem, while a work of fiction, aims to tap into the universal human experience of loss, regret, and the pain of separation.

As you read, you may find echoes of your own experiences or emotions you've witnessed in others. This connection between the written word and our inner world is what makes poetry such a powerful medium. It reminds us of our shared humanity and the complex tapestry of emotions that define the human experience.

Remember, while this piece may evoke strong feelings, it is ultimately a creative exploration of themes presented. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of poetry in expressing and processing complex emotions.


The Eternal Dance

In twilight's hush, a weathered chair creaks,
A silver-haired woman's heart still seeks.
The love that time cannot erase,
His tender touch, his warm embrace.

Ten years have passed since he's been gone,
Yet memories linger, ever strong.
Grief etched on her face, she sits alone,
As sunset paints the leaves of brown.

Then suddenly, the air grows still,
A presence felt, against all will.
She lifts her gaze, and there he stands,
Her love, with outstretched hands.
"May I have this dance?" he softly asks,
His eyes alight with love that lasts.

She rises, doubt and years melt away,
As if it were their wedding day.
They waltz to music only they hear,
Each step erasing doubt and fear.
In this moment, time stands still,
Their love defying nature's will.

As their dance slows, he pulls her near,
And whispers gently in her ear:
"My darling, you are not alone,
I'm always here, in heart and bone."
"I'll wait for you beyond the veil,
Where love and dance will never fail.

Together we'll sway forevermore,
On heaven's bright, eternal shore."
His form now fades, but warmth remains,
Her heart, once heavy, feels no pains.

A gentle smile grazes her face,
She understands, with newfound grace:
True love transcends all mortal plans,
An endless dance in unseen lands.

In twilight's glow, the chair stands strong,
Her heart at peace, where it belongs.

The Climb

When shadows lengthen and hope takes flight,
A frigid wind whispers, "Give in to the night."
But deep within, a phoenix shall rise,
From smoldering embers, defiance in its eyes.

Though lost and weary, on a path unknown,
A tangled forest whispers, "You're all alone."
But fear not the whispers, a new path you'll forge,
With steady hand and heart, a resolute surge.

When doubt's a shroud and shadows creep near,
A deafening silence filled with chilling fear.
But a voice within, a thunderous roar:
"I can achieve, forevermore!"

Why keep on climbing, though cliffs pierce the sky?
Because a spirit within, it will never die.
Through pounding rain and blinding snow,
A will unyielding, where determination grows.

"I can!" you'll shout, with unwavering creed,
Spread your wings wide, and plant a fearless seed.
For every challenge, a triumph you'll claim,
A testament to your will, a soul aflame.

So believe, brave soul, with all your might,
Take flight, and pierce the endless night.
With each step you take, each breath you draw near,
A brighter future, banish every fear.

When shadows lengthen and hope takes flight,
A frigid wind whispers, "Give in to the night."
But deep within, a phoenix shall rise,
From smoldering embers, defiance in its eyes.

Though lost and weary, on a path unknown,
A tangled forest whispers, "You're all alone."
But fear not the whispers, a new path you'll forge,
With steady hand and heart, a resolute surge.

When doubt's a shroud and shadows creep near,
A deafening silence filled with chilling fear.
But a voice within, a thunderous roar:
"I can achieve, forevermore!"

Why keep on climbing, though cliffs pierce the sky?
Because a spirit within, it will never die.
Through pounding rain and blinding snow,
A will unyielding, where determination grows.

"I can!" you'll shout, with unwavering creed,
Spread your wings wide, and plant a fearless seed.
For every challenge, a triumph you'll claim,
A testament to your will, a soul aflame.

So believe, brave soul, with all your might,
Take flight, and pierce the endless night.
With each step you take, each breath you draw near,
A brighter future, banish every fear.

The All-Seeing Eye

The All-Seeing Eye
Whispered apologies, like ashes in the breeze,
Promises broken, scattered leaves beneath the trees.
Trust, a shattered mirror, fragments reflecting pain,
A love once bright, now dimmed by the pouring rain.

Unspoken thoughts, like weeds that coil and creep,
Tangled vines that choke the seeds you try to keep.
Words like daggers, piercing the fragile air,
Leaving wounds that fester, a burden hard to bear.

Sunlight slants, a gilded cage,
Trapping truths behind a shimmering mirage.
But I, the eye that holds the night and day,
See through facades, where shadows twist and play.
From the heavens, a gaze that burns like fire,
Reading hearts where tainted desires smolder higher.

Weaver of fates, but not a cruel hand,
Guiding souls to a deeper understanding.
Deceptive smiles, masks that cannot hide,
Tears like crystals falling from a weeping tide.

No use for empty vows or pretty lies,
For in my gaze, the naked truth arises.
In this labyrinth of the mind,
Where secrets writhe, no peace you'll find.

No need for spoken words, for all is clear,
The truth resonates, loud and severe.
The all-seeing eye, a watchful sphere,
Witness to every fleeting thought and hidden fear.
No escape from my unwavering sight,
Bare your soul and find the dawning light.


From the depths of my soul, through the ink of my pen,
Every verse, every rhyme, every poetic gem,
Flowed from my heart to this page you now see,
A tapestry of words, woven solely by me.

Whispers of the Heart

Whispers of the Heart

In the velvet embrace of a star-studded night,
Beneath a moon that hangs like a pearl so bright,
Two hearts beat in sync, though worlds apart,
Their love a beacon in the cosmic dark.

Whispered prayers ride on zephyr's wings,
Crossing oceans and mountains, as hope clings
To the gossamer threads of a shared dream,
Where distance is but an illusion, it seems.
On the celestial stage, a cosmic dance unfolds,
As wishing stars paint the sky in shimmering gold.

Their light, a bridge across the vast divide,
Connects two souls, love's eternal tide.
The night wind croons a bittersweet lullaby,
Its melody weaving through the indigo sky.
It carries the scent of longing and desire,
Igniting in both hearts a smoldering fire.

Beneath the sprawling canvas of midnight blue,
Where constellations spell "I love you,"
Two dreamers rest, their thoughts entwined,
In the tapestry of fate, forever aligned.
If love could manifest as tangible light,
It would outshine the sun, banish the night.
For in that 'somewhere,' beyond time and space,
Two souls will merge in a cosmic embrace.

So dream on, dear heart, and never fear,
For love's power draws 'somewhere' near.
In that realm where fantasies come true,
I'll be waiting, my love, there with you.

Friday, April 19, 2024

The deleterious effects on TikTok it's viewers.

TikTok's algorithm has been criticized for potentially exposing viewers, especially young people, to harmful content that can negatively impact their mental health and well-being. Here are some key points

Promotion of Disturbing Content

TikTok's personalized "For You" feed can inadvertently promote disturbing content related to self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, and other mental health issues to vulnerable users. The algorithm tends to serve more of the same type of content that a user engages with, potentially creating a harmful feedback loop.

Normalization of Mental Health Struggles

While TikTok allows users to share personal experiences, there are concerns that the platform may normalize or even glamorize mental health struggles, trauma, and harmful coping mechanisms like self-injury. This could lead to a distorted perception of these issues among impressionable viewers.

Addictive Nature and Shortened Attention Spans

TikTok's endless stream of short videos and the app's addictive design can contribute to shortened attention spans and difficulty focusing on longer-form content or real-world activities. Excessive use may also lead to social isolation and neglect of other aspects of life.

Body Image and Self-Esteem Issues

The prevalence of conventionally attractive creators and trends on TikTok can fuel body dissatisfaction, appearance-related anxiety, and negative self-perception, particularly among young women and girls. While TikTok has policies against promoting self-harm and claims to be making improvements, experts and lawsuits argue that more needs to be done to protect vulnerable users from the potential mental health risks associated with the platform's algorithm and content.

TikTok's algorithm is designed to keep users engaged on the app by showing them content they are likely to enjoy and interact with, based on various signals and data points. Here are the key factors that influence TikTok's algorithm:

User Interactions

The algorithm heavily weighs user interactions such as likes, comments, shares, follows, video completion rates, and the content users create themselves. It aims to show more of the type of content a user engages with frequently.

Video Information

TikTok analyzes video captions, hashtags, sounds, and visuals to understand the subject matter and match it with users' interests. Popular or trending videos using the same audio are more likely to be recommended.

Account Settings

The algorithm considers device and account settings like language preference, location, and device type to optimize performance and content relevance.


TikTok prioritizes showing new content over videos users have already viewed, to keep the feed fresh and encourage users to keep watching. The algorithm is constantly learning from each user's behavior and adjusting accordingly. Consistent posting, using relevant hashtags, engaging with your audience, and collaborating with similar creators can help the algorithm better understand and recommend your content to interested viewers. While the exact inner workings are not public, TikTok's algorithm aims to provide a personalized, engaging, and endlessly refreshing content feed tailored to each user's unique interests and interactions on the platform.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

EBV, Mono, and MS: Unveiling the Connections and Exploring Hope for the Future


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological condition that disrupts the central nervous system. While the exact cause remains elusive, recent research sheds light on the potential role of the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and infectious mononucleosis (mono) in its development. Let's delve deeper into these connections and explore promising treatment avenues.

Understanding EBV and Mono: Widespread Viruses with Variable Effects

Epstein-Barr virus, one of the most common viruses globally, infects over 90% of adults by adulthood. Often contracted through saliva, EBV can cause infectious mononucleosis, also known as mono. Mono, prevalent among teenagers and young adults, presents with flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. However, many EBV infections are asymptomatic, meaning people carry the virus without experiencing any noticeable illness.

EBV, Mono, and MS: A Puzzling Link

The intriguing connection between EBV, mono, and MS lies in their potential to trigger an immune response that damages the myelin sheath. This fatty sheath insulates nerve fibers, facilitating smooth transmission of nerve impulses. In MS, the immune system mistakenly attacks the myelin sheath, leading to nerve damage and a cascade of symptoms like muscle weakness, numbness, and vision problems.

Research suggests that EBV infection can activate the immune system in a way that increases the risk of MS later in life. Studies have shown that individuals with high levels of antibodies to specific EBV proteins have a significantly higher risk of developing MS compared to those with lower levels. However, it's important to note that EBV infection alone doesn't guarantee MS. Genetic predisposition and environmental factors likely play a role too.

Exploring Treatment Options: Restoring Myelin and Managing Symptoms

Current MS treatments primarily focus on managing symptoms and slowing disease progression. Medications can modulate the immune response to reduce inflammation and nerve damage. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy help patients manage symptoms and maintain function.

A promising area of research involves stem cell therapy. Stem cells hold the potential to repair damaged myelin sheaths. While still in its early stages, ongoing clinical trials are exploring the effectiveness of stem cell transplantation in promoting myelin regeneration and improving neurological function in MS patients.

The Future of MS: Vaccines and Early Intervention

The fight against MS doesn't stop at treatment. Researchers are exploring the possibility of developing vaccines that could prevent EBV infection, potentially reducing the risk of MS. Additionally, research on identifying individuals at high risk for MS due to their EBV infection and genetic makeup could pave the way for early intervention strategies.

While MS is a challenging condition, the ongoing research on EBV, mono, and their connection to MS offers a glimmer of hope. The exploration of stem cell therapy and the potential for vaccines hold promise for future generations. By unraveling the complex interplay between these factors, we move closer to a future where MS prevention and effective treatment become a reality.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Everything must change


Everything must change,
Nothing stays the same.
Everyone must change
Nothing stays the same.

The young become the old,
Mysteries do unfold.
'Cause that's the way of time
Nothing and no one goes unchanged.

There are not many things
In life you can be sure of.

Rain comes from the clouds,
And sun lights up the sky,
And humming birds do fly.

Winter turns to spring.
Wounded heart will heal.
Never much too soon
Everything must change

The young become the old,
Mysteries do unfold.
'Cause that's the way of time
Nothing and no one goes unchanged.

There are not many things
In life you can be sure of.

Rain comes from the clouds,
And sun lights up the sky,
And humming birds do fly.

The Complexities of Overeating: A Look at Genetics and Beyond


Overeating, a significant contributor to weight gain and obesity, has long been a topic of public health concern. While environmental factors like diet and exercise undeniably play a crucial role, recent research suggests genetics may also influence our susceptibility to overeating behaviors. This paper explores the current understanding of the genetic links to overeating, highlighting the complexities and limitations in this evolving field.

Heritability Estimates and Obesity Genes

Twin and family studies have provided valuable insights into the heritability of obesity and related traits. Estimates suggest that genetics contribute around 40-50% of the variation in body weight. This doesn't directly translate to overeating, but it indicates a genetic influence on factors related to food intake.

Specific genes, such as FTO, MC4R, and BDNF, have been associated with increased risk for obesity and eating behaviors. The FTO gene, for instance, has a well-studied variant (AA genotype) present in roughly 14% of the population. However, it's important to note that the effects of these genes can vary depending on the specific alleles a person carries and how they interact with other genes.

Limitations and the Multigenic Nature

A key challenge in pinpointing the exact genetic contribution to overeating lies in its multigenic nature. Overeating susceptibility likely involves a complex interplay of multiple genes, each with varying effects. Additionally, environmental factors like diet, lifestyle, and even gut bacteria can significantly influence how these genes affect a person's eating behavior.

For example, the FTO gene variant mentioned earlier might have a more significant impact on weight and appetite in individuals with a high-fat diet compared to those with a balanced diet. This highlights the crucial role of environment in modifying the expression of these genes.

Gene-Environment Interaction

Current research delves into the intricate interactions between genes and environment. Studies explore how genes like FTO interact with factors like physical activity and diet to influence weight and eating behaviors. Understanding these interactions is crucial for developing personalized strategies to manage weight and prevent overeating.


While a definitive percentage for the population with "overeating genes" isn't available, the ongoing exploration of genetics in this field holds promise. We know genetics play a role in food intake and weight regulation, but the environment plays a significant role too. Focusing on the interplay between these factors can lead to a more nuanced understanding of overeating susceptibility.

Future Directions

Research into the genetic links to overeating is continuously evolving. Future studies might identify additional genes and refine our understanding of gene-environment interactions. This knowledge can pave the way for personalized interventions that address both genetic predispositions and environmental triggers, ultimately promoting healthier eating habits and weight management.


NCBI Bookshelf - Genetics of Obesity:

NCBI - The FTO Gene and Food Intake:

NCBI - Addictive Genes and the Relationship to Obesity and Inflammation:

NCBI - Gene-environment interaction in the etiology of BMI:

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Saturday, March 16, 2024

A Shattered Lens: Living Through Psychosis


Psychosis, a symptom of several mental illnesses, is often portrayed in movies as monsters or voices inciting violence. But the reality is far more nuanced, a terrifying and sometimes beautiful distortion of reality. To understand it, we need to step through the shattered lens of those experiencing it.

The Technicolor World:

Sarah, a young artist with schizoaffective disorder, describes a world amplified to an almost unbearable degree. "Colors are sharper, edges more defined," she says. "It's like walking into an oil painting, everything bursting with life." This hyperawareness can be overwhelming, but for some, it sparks creativity. Sarah's artwork is filled with swirling colors and fantastical creatures, a direct reflection of her psychotic episodes.

The Whispering Walls:

Michael, a war veteran with PTSD, struggles with constant auditory hallucinations. "It's like a radio playing in my head," he says. "Sometimes it's snippets of conversations, sometimes it's a single voice taunting me." These voices can be cruel and relentless, driving feelings of paranoia and isolation. Michael describes hushing himself in public, fearing others can hear the voices too.

The Delusional Labyrinth:

For Daniel, with bipolar disorder, psychosis manifests as elaborate delusions. "I once believed I was a secret agent on a mission to save the world," he shares. He describes constructing elaborate narratives in his head, fueled by misinterpretations of everyday events. While these delusions can be grandiose, they can also be terrifying. Daniel recalls fearing the government was after him, leading him to make risky decisions and isolating himself from loved ones.

The Fog of Anosognosia:

Anosognosia, often accompanying psychosis, is the inability to recognize one's own illness. This makes treatment difficult. Sarah, for instance, believes her vibrant world is a gift, not a symptom. "They want to dull my senses with medication," she says. Michael blames his struggles on the war trauma, not the voices. Daniel, during manic episodes, might see medication as unnecessary. This lack of insight can be a major hurdle in recovery.

A Spectrum of Experience:

Psychosis is not a singular monster, but a spectrum of experiences. The terrifying voices and paranoia Michael experiences are a stark contrast to Sarah's hyper-reality. Understanding this spectrum is crucial. Mental health professionals work on a delicate balance: helping patients manage their distorted reality while preserving any positive aspects of the experience.

Living with a Shattered Lens:

Living with psychosis is a constant negotiation between two worlds. There is the terrifying fear of losing oneself completely, and the flicker of hope that the fragmented reality holds a hidden truth. Recovery is a long and arduous journey, but with help and support, people with psychosis can learn to cope and even thrive. It's about finding a way to see the world through a lens that may be cracked, but not shattered.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The crisp Tyrolean air, a symphony for your lungs, As you step onto the trail

The crisp Tyrolean air, a symphony for your lungs, As you step onto the trail, where sunlight warmly sung. Emerald meadows unfurl, a verdant, rippling sea, Dotted with wildflowers, a vibrant tapestry.

Buttercups gleam like sunshine, kissed by the morning dew, And gentian's sapphire pools reflect the endless blue. The distant mountains rise, majestic and serene, Their snow-capped peaks a crown, a postcard, pristine.

The path winds through the meadow, a ribbon, soft and brown, Crunching gently beneath your feet, with a peaceful, muffled sound. A gentle breeze whispers secrets through the tall blades of grass, Carrying the scent of wildflowers, a sweetness that won't pass.

A symphony of birdsong fills the air, a joyful, carefree tune, As butterflies, on painted wings, dance beneath the noonday sun. A marmot pops its head out, a curious, furry face, Then dives back into its burrow, leaving not a trace.

You climb a gentle hillock, and the view takes your breath away, The valley sprawls beneath you, bathed in the sun's warm ray. Farmsteads, like scattered beads, nestled amongst the green, Smoke spirals from their chimneys, a tranquil, rural scene.

Time slows on the mountain trail, worries gently fade, Replaced by a sense of wonder, in this idyllic glade. With every step you take, your heart feels light and free, Inhale the beauty of the Tyrol, a place for your soul to be.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

In caverns carved by shadows deep, where hope seems lost, a flickering sleep

 In caverns carved by shadows deep, where hope seems lost, a flickering sleep, We tread on paths where doubt takes hold, a weary heart, a story untold. The walls press close, a smothering night, a suffocating, endless blight. But wait, dear soul, for even here, a tiny spark, a point held clear.

A single ember, ember bright, defiance burning in the night. A fragile flame, a whispered song, where whispers turn before too long Into a chorus, soft and low, a gentle breeze begins to blow. The embers catch, the flame takes flight, dispelling darkness with its light.

The weight that held us, starts to ease, a newfound strength upon the knees. The walls recede, the tunnel bends, a distant glow, a promise sends. It beckons forth, a guiding star, a path we carve, no matter how far. For even in the deepest night, the human spirit finds its light.

From teardrops sown, a blossom grows, resilience blooms where sorrow flows. The cracks and scars, a tapestry, a testament to what we can be. The scars we wear, a whispered might, a testament to our inner light. So let it shine, with all its grace, and illuminate this shadowed space.

We are the warriors, bold and bright, who rise from darkness, claim our light. The tunnel fades, the dawn breaks through, a world awaits, a vibrant hue. We step outside, with hearts renewed, forever changed, forever imbued With strength we found in depths unknown, a light that burns, a seed now sown.


Unlikely Buddha 2024

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Landfills: Methane Makers, Compost: Climate Changers?


Landfills are overflowing, and the hidden cost isn't just overflowing bins. These massive waste repositories are a major source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas with a significant impact on global warming. But what if we swapped landfills for compost bins? Could a shift towards composting significantly reduce methane emissions?

Landfills: Breeding Grounds for Methane

When organic waste like food scraps and yard trimmings decompose in landfills, the lack of oxygen creates an anaerobic environment. This anaerobic breakdown produces methane, a greenhouse gas 80 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Estimates suggest landfills globally generate a staggering 44 million tons of methane annually.

Composting: A Breath of Fresh Air (Literally)

Composting offers a greener alternative. This process breaks down organic waste aerobically (with oxygen), resulting in minimal methane release. The end product? Nutrient-rich compost, a valuable soil amendment that improves plant growth and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers.

The Global Composting Revolution: Potential Payoff

While calculating the exact reduction in methane emissions from global composting is complex, the potential benefits are significant. Project Drawdown, a research organization focused on climate solutions, estimates that widespread composting could prevent the release of methane emissions from landfills equivalent to 1.13-1.40 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050. To put that in perspective, that's potentially a reduction by a third or more of current global methane emissions from human activities.

Beyond Methane: The Ripple Effect of Composting

The benefits of composting extend beyond just reducing methane. Landfills are nearing capacity, and diverting organic waste through composting extends their lifespan. Compost also reduces reliance on landfills, saving on tipping fees and leachate management costs. Furthermore, healthy soil from compost use can lead to increased water retention and reduced irrigation needs.

Challenges on the Road to a Compostable Future

While the advantages of composting are clear, there are hurdles to overcome. Implementing large-scale composting programs requires infrastructure for collection, processing, and distribution of compost. Educating the public on what can be composted and encouraging participation are crucial for success.

The Takeaway: A Win-Win for Climate and Soil

The transition from landfills to composting holds immense potential. Reduced methane emissions, improved soil health, and a more circular waste economy are all within reach. Embracing composting offers a powerful tool to combat climate change and create a more sustainable future.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Dance of Flirtation


A stolen glance across the room, A silent question, soft perfume. A smile that lingers, just a beat, A blush that paints the cheeks so sweet.

Words tumble out, a touch too fast, Wit sharpened, hoping to surpass. A laugh that rings, a playful tease, A nervous flutter, ill at ease.

Fingers brush, a fleeting spark, An awkward pause left in the dark. Is there a meaning, or just chance? A secret language in a glance?

The night unfolds, a gentle sway, Will this connection find its way? A thrilling dance, hearts beat anew, A hint of what might blossom true.

The future's path, a winding road, But in this moment, hope explodes. A spark ignited, light and bright, The dance of flirtation takes its flight.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Thursday, February 29, 2024



The chemo cocktail churns, a metallic serpent coiling in my gut, its venom rising, a bitter tide. The sterile air, a canvas for the symphony of beeps, a haunting counterpoint to the hollowness inside.

My reflection mocks from the steel embrace of the chair, a gaunt caricature, eyes hollowed, skin the hue of despair. Each breath a labored rasp, a dry leaf skittering on stone, as the serpent writhes, promising oblivion's unknown.

Sleep, a fragile escape, crumbles into a twisted dream. A figure cloaked in midnight strides across the barren plains, his scythe a crescent moon, casting an inky sheen on the cracked and thirsty earth, mirroring my ravaged veins.

The Grim Reaper, eyes smoldering embers in the gloom, a silent judge, his gaze a pronouncement of impending doom. His skeletal hand reaches, cold and sure, to claim my soul, but a spark of defiance flares, a flicker to regain control.

I lunge, a frail wisp against the night's cold embrace, but the figure fades, leaving only an empty space. I wake, gasping, the serpent's venom still strong, a metallic echo, a reminder of where I belong.

In the sterile symphony's relentless drone, I lie, suspended between oblivion and the unknown. The taste of bile coats my tongue, a bitter despair, as the echo of the reaper's touch hangs heavy in the air.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024

Finding the Silver Lining: A Different Look at Hardship


Life throws us curveballs. Sometimes, they're gentle lobs, but other times, they're fastballs that knock us flat. When faced with tragedy, it's natural to search for meaning, for some cosmic explanation that makes sense of the pain. Phrases like "everything happens for a reason" can feel like life rafts in a storm, offering a fragile hope amidst the chaos.

However, while these phrases may bring temporary comfort, the reality is that life is often messy and unpredictable. There may not be a grand plan or a preordained script, just a tapestry woven with joy, sorrow, and everything in between. Accepting this doesn't diminish the hurt, but it allows us to move beyond the question "why?" and start exploring "how."

How can we navigate these storms with a sense of agency? The answer lies within ourselves. By cultivating awareness of our thoughts and emotions, we gain a foothold in the midst of the churning waters. This doesn't mean ignoring the pain, but rather observing it with an open mind and gentle compassion, just like holding a wounded bird in our hands.

With this newfound awareness comes the power of choice. We may not be able to control the storm, but we can choose how we navigate its winds. Instead of being swept away by anger or despair, we can choose to respond with resilience and compassion. We can choose to learn from the experience, to grow stronger, and to emerge with a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Remember, every setback is an opportunity to evolve. Just as a tree strengthens its roots after a storm, we too can emerge from hardship with a newfound sense of purpose. While life may not always make perfect sense, we can choose to find meaning in the journey, focusing on the positive ripples we can create in the world, even amidst the darkness.

This journey is unique to each of us, and there's no single right answer. Be kind to yourself as you navigate the unfamiliar terrain. Let the tears flow, feel the anger, but never lose sight of the strength and resilience that lies within you. For even in the darkest of nights, a single star can guide us towards the dawn.

Unlikely Buddha 2024

Night's Embrace: Whispers of the Universe


The night descends, a sigh of gray, 

A silver moon, it holds its sway. A frosted disc, a watchful eye,

As wispy clouds in silence fly.

They drift across the velvet black, 

Like brushstrokes white, upon a track 

Of endless dark, a starry sea, A canvas vast, for all to see.

The air is crisp, a breath of pine, 

A symphony of scents entwined 

With dampened earth, a gentle breeze, 

Rustling leaves through ancient trees.

The world shrinks down, beneath the dome, 

Of endless space, my worries numb. 

A quiet peace, a gentle hush, 

As moonlit shadows softly brush.

A connection felt, to something grand, 

A universe, held in my hand. The stars whisper secrets, old and new, 

In this moment, bathed in moonlit dew.

I breathe it in, the silent night, 

A simple beauty, pure and bright.

 A sense of wonder fills my soul, 

As stars and moon their stories roll.

Unlikely Buddha, 2024

The Silent Pool

          The summer sun beat down on the Johnsons' backyard, casting shimmering diamonds on the inviting pool. Laughter, as...